Developing Capacity for Evaluation of Rural Extension and Advisory Services

In this module you will first learn about rural advisory services (RAS) in agricultural innovationinnovationDefinition: The process of generation, diffusion, adaptation and use of knowledge...
systems (AIS) and the basics of monitoring and evaluating RAS in order to understand the role of monitoring and evaluation (M&E) in RAS and its basic principles and uses. You will also learn how M&E can be used to improve the policies and practices of RAS, what the current main global challenges are, and finally what this means for the M&E of RAS interventionsInterventionDefinition: The act of placing oneself in a position to assist other parties in managing or dealing with problems....
such as reform processes, developing RAS organisations, or delivering a particular RAS service.

After completing the module, you will be able to enable, implement, and use M&E for documentation, accountabilityaccountabilityDefinition: A principle that commits all stakeholders to contribute depending on their interests and capabilities while being accountable to each other....
, and internal learning in RAS systems and organisations, as well as for particular RAS interventions.

Module outcomes

After completing this module, you will be able to:

  1. Explain the concept of rural advisory services (RAS):
  2. Describe what monitoring and evaluation is about, what the differences are, and how these complement each other:
    • Describe the roles that M&E can play in RAS in accountability, the documentation of the value of RAS, and improving policies and practices of RAS; and
    • Describe the main challenges of modern RAS and the characteristics for M&E of RAS interventions.

What to expect

Study units
Name Total videos Total assessments
Study unit 1: Introduction to RAS evaluation 0 3
Study unit 2: Defining, monitoring and evaluation 1 4

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Study unit outcomes

After completing this study unit, you should be able to:

  • Define the concept of RAS;
  • Explain the structure and functions of AIS with multiple actors and the possible or ideal roles of RAS in the AIS; and
  • Describe the principles of modern RAS systems or interventions.

Study unit overview

In this study unit, you will be introduced to RAS, its roles in the AIS, and the principles for modern RAS as seen from the perspective of GFRAS and its networks. RAS encompasses a number of stakeholders who have to work together to achieve the goals of the programmes that fall under it. The direct stakeholders in RAS are:

More indirect stakeholders are extension educators and researchers dealing with RAS. You will focus on direct stakeholders.

This study unit is divided into the following sections:

  • Introduction
  • Session 1.1: RAS in the agricultural innovation system
  • Session 1.2: Principles of modern RAS systems and interventions
  • Conclusion
Click on the button below to start the lesson for Study Unit 1:

Study Unit 1

Study unit outcomes

After completing this study unit, you should be able to:

  • Describe the basic principles of results-based management (RBM); and
  • Explain the differences between monitoring and evaluation and how they interlink.

Study unit overview

In this study unit you will learn the basic principles of results- based management (RBM) and the roles that monitoring and evaluation plays in this. You will also have an in-depth knowledge to carry out RBM and M&E as part of RBM and understand the significance of M&E for RAS.

This study unit is divided into the following sections:

  • Introduction
  • Session 2.1: Basic principles of RBM
  • Session 2.2: The roles that M&E can play in RAS
  • Session 2.3: What is special about M&E for RAS?
  • Conclusion
Click on the button below to start the lesson for Study Unit 2:

Study Unit 2