
GFRAS graphic II

The New Extensionist Learning Kit is a learning resource for individual extension field staff, managers, and lecturers. It is based on the The 'New Extensionist' - Roles, Strategies, and Capacities to Strengthen Extension and Advisory Services, a GFRAS position paper that discusses new capacities for rural advisory services and extension to address the current challenges in agriculture and to contribute better to agricultural innovation. The kit focuses on functional skills and is available for self-directed, face-to-face, or blended learning.

The New Extensionist Learning Kit (NELK) contains several modules designed for self-directed, face-to-face, or blended learning and can be a useful tool for (not exclusively) individual extension field staff, managers, lecturers and non-governmental organisations, and other training institutions.


List of available learning modules

NELK New Extensionist Training Package

Module 01 Introduction to the New Extentionist Module 07 Introduction to Facilitation for Development
Module 02 Overview of Extension Methods and Tools Module 08 Community Mobilization
Module 03 Agricultural Extension Programme Management    Module 09 Farmer Organizational Development
Module 04 Professional Ethics Module 10 The Role of Extension in Value Chains
Module 05 Adult Learning for Behavioural Change Module 11 Agricultural Entrepreneurship
Module 06 Basic Knowledge Management and Extension    


NELK Thematic

Them. 01 Gender in Advisory Services Them. 05 Nutrition-Sensitive Extension
Them. 02 Risk Mitigation and Adaptation in Extension Them. 06 e-Extension
Them. 03 Developing Capacity for Evaluation of Rural Extension and RAS        Them. 07 Youth Mentoring
Them. 04 Policy Advocacy for Rural Advisory Services  Them. 08 Extension Support for Climate Adaptation and Mitigation


NELK Technical

Tech. 01 Smallholder Horticulture Empowerment & Promotion (SHEP)             Tech. 02 Integrated Pest Management


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