Extension Support for Climate Adaptation and Mitigation

Rural and farming communities directly experience the impact of climate change, emphasising the urgent need for action. As a future extension professional, you hold the key to unlocking rural and farming communities' resilience in the face of climate change. This module presents a comprehensive overview of climate change, its impact on agriculture, and the crucial role of Extension and Advisory Services (EAS) in supporting farmers in adapting to it and contributing to mitigation. This module is organised as three study units, each containing three sessions. By going through this module, the participants can gain essential knowledge and skills to empower farmers to address climate challenges.

Module outcomes

After completing this module, you should be able to:

  1. Explain concepts such as climate change, adaptation and mitigation.
  2. Understand the main effects of climate change and its consequences on agrifood systems from a global perspective.
  3. Understand and explain the factors that cause climate change and the measures that can be taken to adapt and mitigate different agroecological conditions.
  4. Know how EAS promote adaptation and mitigation strategies among farmers to combat the effects of climate change in different conditions and the availability of natural resources.

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Study unit overview

This study unit is divided into the following sections:
  • Session 1.1: Introduction to climate change
  • Session 1.2: Climate change and agriculture
  • Session 1.3: EAS and climate change

Session 1 explores the concept of climate change, its causes and effects, as well as key terminologies associated with climate change and their major differences.

Session 2 focuses on the impact of climate change on agriculture and farmers and the responses needed to address these climate change impacts.

Session 3 discusses the role of EAS in addressing climate change, the kind challenges when adressing climate change and the capacities needed to empower EAS to address climate change.

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Study Unit 1

Study unit overview

This study unit is divided into the following sections:
  • Session 2.1: Introduction to climate adaptation
  • Session 2.2: Climate adaptation
  • Session 2.3: EAS to promote climate adaptation

Session 1 explores the need for farmers to adapt to climate change, establishing the reasons behind their adaptive actions. It will help us comprehensively understand climate adaptation, its types, and associated key concepts.

Session 2 focuses on varied approaches and climate adaptation measures with supporting cases across different countries and contexts.

Session 3 informs about the critical role of EAS in enforcing and promoting climate adaptation measures among farmers, supported by evidence from different countries.

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Study Unit 2

Study unit overview

This study unit is divided into the following sections:
  • Session 3.1: Introduction to mitigation
  • Session 3.2: Climate mitigation
  • Session 3.3: EAS promoting climate change mitigation

In this study unit, Session 1 focuses on the foundations of climate mitigation, covering the need for a farmer to mitigate climate change, the meaning of climate mitigation, and associated concepts. It also introduces the learners to various mitigation strategies.

Session 2 discusses the climate mitigation approaches and measures in agriculture with the support of relevant cases across countries.

Session 3 concludes the study unit by highlighting the critical role EAS plays in promoting climate mitigation strategies among farmers.

Click on the button below to start the lesson for Study Unit 3:

Study Unit 3

The following resources are available for this module:

General resources



Further reading