Módulo 06: Gestión del conocimiento básico y extensión

The success of agricultural innovation systems (AIS) are greatly dependent on effective communicationcommunicationDefinition: The process of sharing information between individuals. ...
of knowledge. This module outlines the different types of knowledgeknowledgeDefinition: The practical and theoretical understanding of a subject. ...
that you as an extension agent will need to deal with as well as the different sources through which knowledge can be gained. You will learn that different situations may require you to take on different intermediary roles in order to facilitate the transfer of knowledge. This module also describes the different communication media and tools available to you to support your role in stimulating the flow of knowledge.

Module outcomes

After completing this module, you will be able to:

  1. Distinguish between and describe different types of knowledge relevant to agricultural extension and innovation;
  2. Describe the basics of knowledge management and the different intermediary roles needed to foster knowledge flow. Employ the most appropriate intermediary role for a particular situation; and
  3. Distinguish between different communication media and tools that can support knowledge management. Employ the most appropriate one for a particular situation.

What to expect

Study units
Name Total videos Total assessments
Study unit 1: Different types of knowledge 1 4
Study unit 2: Different communication models and the intermediary role of the extensionist 3 5
Study unit 3: Communication media and tools to support knowledge management 0 3

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Study unit outcomes

After completing this study unit, you should be able to:

  • Describe the different roles and forms of knowledge and their importance to agricultural innovation; and
  • Explain and describe what this means for your work as an extension agent.

Study unit overview

As an extension agent you need to appreciate that innovation is a collective process. In order to make different changes in technologies, practices, habits and procedures, collective learning and the exchange of knowledge needs to take place. In this unit you will learn to appreciate that there are different forms and types of knowledge related to similar topics and issues. You will also learn that knowledge can be obtained from different sources. These different types and forms of knowledge are complementary and as an extension agent you need to have an appreciation for this diversity. The way knowledge is communicated greatly influences the impact the knowledge has. In this unit, you will deepen your understanding of the relationship between knowledge and communication, and how that connects to knowledge management

This study unit is divided into the following sections:

  • Introduction
  • Session 1.1: Different types and sources of knowledge
  • Session 1.2: Communication to support appropriate flow of knowledge and learning
  • Session 1.3: Innovation as a process of collective learning and knowledge exchange
  • Conclusion

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Study Unit 1

Study unit outcomes

After completing this study unit, you should be able to:

  • Distinguish between the different models of communication; and
  • Apply the right communication model for a particular issue at hand.

Study unit overview

Communication often does not have the anticipated outcome. As an extension agent you may think you delivered a message and transferred knowledge but it does not have the desired effect. In this study unit, you will learn about the different ways information goes from a sender to a receiver, and what problems may occur that prevent effective communication. Sometimes it is enough to provide technical information in a written form (giving explicit knowledge), and sometimes you need to engage in joint experimentation with the farmer and stimulate learning (stimulating tacit knowledge exchange). This study unit will help you understand that different issues at hand may need a different approach from an extensionist. You will learn that as an extensionist you are a knowledge manager for the farmer, ensuring he or she gets the appropriate knowledge in the appropriate form. You will also learn that as an extensionist you should have your own knowledge management system in order to stay informed of the latest developments in farming, and get the latest results from research.

This study unit is divided into the following sections:

  • Introduction
  • Session 2.1: Different communication models
  • Session 2.2: Adapting communication models and intermediary roles to levels of agricultural innovation complexity
  • Session 2.3: Extension as a knowledge management system
  • Conclusion

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Study Unit 2

Study unit outcomes

After completing this study unit, you should be able to:

  • Identify different communication media and tools that are available for knowledge management; and
  • Choose the appropriate communication media and ICT tools for a specific situation.

Study unit overview

Communication media are devices that use a combination of different kinds of communication channels to transmit information. This unit will provide an overview of the range of communication media and tools available to you to manage knowledge transfer and exchange. Different communication media and what purpose they can be used for will be discussed. Extension agents also need to familiarise themselves with modern information and communication tools (ICT) and how they can enhance rapid and cost-effective transfer and sharing of knowledge. This unit will look at some of the modern ICT tools available to extension agents and farmers.

This study unit is divided into the following sections:

  • Introduction
  • Session 3.1: Different forms of communication media
  • Session 3.2: Using ICT to enhance knowledge management
  • Conclusion

Click on the button below to start the lesson for Study Unit 3:

Study Unit 3